A few of these tracks (many of 'em underground) came out in the past few weeks, and I never got around to big-upping or reviewing them. Most of this stuff, though, is brand new from the weekend, ready for your ears! Lots of good ish in here (as opposed to some of the lukewarm pop stuff from previous installments). Aight, so here it is... Enjoy The Tape Deck, Installment #4:
Blue Sky Black Death & Jean Grae - Shadows Forever [LISTEN]Busta Rhymes - Arab Money (feat. Ron Browz) [LISTEN]
Aight, so I'm a fan of Jean Grae and I definitely dig The Velvet Underground; and this track puts those two worlds together! Production duo Blue Sky Black Death samples Velvet's "Venus in Furs", one of my favorite songs from their classic debut (released in '67). The finished product is a menacing but mellow head bopper to accompany Jean Grae's hard as nails mic tactics. I give this one a big thumbs up for its great instrumentation and solid lyricism.
Devin the Dude - Yo Mind [LISTEN]This one's a tough call. As we all know, Busta Rhymes was dropped from the Aftermath label after an alleged heated discussion with Jimmy Iovine. Next thing you know, Busta packs his bags and heads to Motown where he's expected to release his album by the end of the year. I have no clue if his old stuff is gonna be on this album (Linkin Park collab is a throwaway, but the "Don't Touch Me" joint was fire -- mos' def' a keeper), so I'm guided by this new track, "Arab Money". To me, this is kinda like "Touch It", minus the Daft Punk element, plus some Arabic swing. Could work. I don't see it happenin' though... The track's got some decent club/anthem production qualities, and the pen-and-pad skills are comical (references to deserts, camels and... camel-toes), but all in all this will just be another '08 snoozer. I sense that with his new label/home, the Dungeon Dragon will be pumping out much better tracks in the coming weeks.
Freeway - Hustlaz Prayer (Prod. by Blunt) [LISTEN]Damn! Devin is on a friggin' roll (blunt pun intended)! Love the mood, love the entrancing beat. The lyrics are on point and the message is powerful and positive: "Yo mind, don't you just go and throw it all away/ Yo body, don't you just go and throw it all away/ Yo future, don't you just go and throw it all away/ Yo money, don't you just go and throw it all away/". After hearing this track, I'm definitely sold. I can't wait for The Dude's new album...
Ill Bill - Society Is Brainwashed (Prod. by DJ Premier) [LISTEN]It's preliminary and mandatory that I shed love to my Roc-A-Fella OG's, and I must say: if I've gotta pick one cat who's been trying his best to keep the Roc above the fray, it's gotta be Freeway. Much more than Jay, much more than 'Ye, Freeweezy has been pumpin' out that 2002/2003/2004/soulful Roc-style music relentlessly. It's a shame to see neither Jay nor 'Ye focusing on Roc-A-Fella as a family/movement, rather opting to post it as a credential on their resume. Freeway wants to bring that "old thing back", and I respect his effort. This track in particular feels like it was sucked straight out of the cutting room floor on Freeway's debut album in '03. The beat is soulful and so is Free's articulation. As Jay would say: "Keep going!"
Invizzibl Men - Stories of a Ghost [LISTEN]Bill's new album is a menace. If you haven't copped it yet, listen to this track for a preview of what you've been missing. Ill Bill retraces his political Non Phixion background as well as his Jewish roots as he spits "Babylon destroyed the Beis Hamikdash". Throughout the track (and album), Bill kicks the knowledge you won't hear from the MSM (mainstream media... mainstream music) as Prem's ill-as-usal production stands out amongst his other recent works (not saying Premo's slippin', but... I'm... just sayin'...). Big ups to Ill Bill on another solid album (one of my fav's of '08, hands down -- but then again, I'm biased towards poli-rap).
Justis - Jazz Music [LISTEN]This track's been circulating around the web and underground circles for a little while but I felt like breakin' you off some (if you haven't peeped it yet). New York duo Invizzibl Men spit back-to-back (think Kiss and Styles P) over one of the smoothest beats of the year.
Killah Priest & Chief Kamachi - Illest (feat. Planet Asia) [LISTEN]Another underground joint that's already been doing its thing for a while now, "Jazz Music" is just what you'd expect from a hip hop track with that title: it's got plenty of jazz references (Mingus, Hutch, Wayne Shorter, Louie A, Miles, Monk, Coltrane, Grover Washington etc.). "Dig in"!
Killer Mike - Belly of The Beast (feat. Charles Manson) [LISTEN]Mos Def gave me the original idea and I'm swiping it: call this sh*t Ghetto Rock. The Chief and the Priest ("I throw angels into hell/ Slap the devil as well") go heavy on this hardbody and blisteringly hot composition. The Planet Asia feature is a perfect fit. If this track had a couple more emcees on it, this would be the illest underground posse cut in a long, long time. "Illest"! Please listen to this track!!
Lupe Fiasco - Paris, Tokyo (Remix feat. Pharrell, Q-Tip & Sarah Green) [LISTEN]So I guess it's safe to say that Killer Mike is the South's Ice Cube. No complaints here! This track creeps me out... I guess that's a good thing. ...? Mike goes in on... everything and everyone. These Sunday Massacre tracks have been SERIOUS! I can't wait to see what else Mike's got in him...
Malik Yusef - Promised Land (feat. Kanye West and Adam Levine of Maroon 5) [LISTEN]Everyone knows that Lupe made this track to appease all the ATCQ stans who flipped out 'cause of that whole awards show "Fiascogate" and whatnot. Well, take this Q-Tip feature as a big F U to the haters. It's great to hear 'Tip on a track that sounds like some Midnight Marauders leftovers ish. Too bad he doesn't rap on these kinds of beats any more... Anyways... If you dug this original track off of Lupe's ground breaking 2007 effort The Cool, you're definitely gonna enjoy the remix. And if this track is any indication of what the CRS album is gonna sound like, I'm very, very, verrrry interested...
MC Ren - Return of the Villain [LISTEN]Now y'all know I'm something of an Obama stan (I've gotten plenty of flack from anonymous commenters for it). And while you'd expect me to be flipping mad over this track (it's being released on some Obama compilation), I've gotta be honest: it's kinda weak. Then again, what can I expect from a rap track on an Obama album? Clearly he doesn't wanna scare off all those fearful white folks who can't get a grip on reality... I digress. It's worth noting that the drums that kick in at around 01:52 sound like they were lifted from 2Pac's "Ambitionz Az a Ridah". Maybe I'm wrong... This one's a throwaway, but I suggest you check it out anyways...
Mint Rock (Bored Stiff) - His Story (feat. Lil Shawn) [LISTEN]MC Ren is alive? I guess so! The Villain in Black returns with a bit of a doozer, not a doozy. The beat is simplistic and the lyrics are sharp but mediocre, especially considering Ren's iconic status. He just sounds tired and uninspired... Dubs up, thumbs down. zzzzz
Murs - Time Is Now (feat. Letoya Williams and Snoop Dogg) [LISTEN]Meh. Beat > Flow and lyrics. Usually not a good look unless it's an instrumental LP.
Ox - Bad Ass Kid (feat. DLO) [LISTEN]Something about this track sounds really disingenuous. I dunno what it is... Maybe it's the fact that I'd never associate Murs with Snoop so that this track just sounds like some sloppy remix any kid can do on their laptop as opposed to a real collaboration. I give 'em props for the cheerful, piano-heavy production, but I ain't sold with this one. Sorry.
Planet Asia & F.L.O. - Uptop Cali [LISTEN]Catchy hook! That's the first opinion that'll pop in your head when you play this track. As HHIR-fam Ox begins to rip the mic, you'll see why I felt it appropriate to have him as our first exclusive(!) interviewee. The Bully from the Midwest spits with tenacity and this track is no exception. The subject matter is really personal... and enticing. Highly recommended!
Supreeme - The Way Love Goes (feat. Killer T) [LISTEN]Who woulda thought that Planet Asia had TWO projects lined up in the same time frame? If you're like me, you've been bumpin' that new Pain Language on heavy rotation. Well, you just might have to pick this one up as well! Lifted from the new album Planet F.L.O., "Uptop Cali" is an underground Cali anthem. Sure, I'm from down-bottom (lol) Cali, but I can still vibe to the sentiments on this banger. No matter where you're at, you can appreciate the talent on this track.
Tek - Cocaine Cowboys [LISTEN]Here's another underground joint that hasn't gotten enough shine. But that's what I'm tryin' to do with these Tape Deck jumpoffs... Vibe out to these smooth tunes...
Tek - Eye for an Eye [LISTEN]Fast tempo beat, heavy claps, 80's synths. Not bad. Tek spits with ferocity as usual. This one's a toss-up for me though. Nothing too special here...
Tristate - Armed Forces [LISTEN]Weak sauce. Sounds like a horrible 2Pac impersonation (listen to the hook).
Tristate - Food for Thought (Baby Food) (feat. Planet Asia) [LISTEN]This joint came out earlier in the year, but I wanted to expose some of y'all to it. Tristate's LP is strictly conscious/political emceein', packed with targetted lyrics and V for Vendetta skits (no joke). Here's one of my favorite tracks from the album, along with...
XV - A Girl Named Destiny (Prod. by 9th Wonder) (feat. AC) [LISTEN]...this heat rock featuring Planet Asia (boy, he's been gettin' some good pub lately, huh). To those who might be inclined to check out Tristate's album after hearing these two cuts, just Google it: Tristate - Enemy of the State (Street LP).
Pay attention to these lyrics: sh*t is deep. That's all I'm gonna say ('cause I really wanna pique your interest on this one). XV and AC tear it up on this track and sound good together. I wouldn't be surprised to hear of any future collabs down the line...